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Degassing System Special

Transorfilter Sweden also manufactures and develops larger vacuum systems for oil degassing.

Example of a customer is ABB Power Transformers who now has a Transorfilter 3-stage degassing system for transformer oil in its new plant in Ludvika, Sweden since 2019 to obtain a dry oil with low residual gas values for testing of newly manufactured power transformers.


Product Description

Svenska Transorfilter konstruerar, monterar, provkör och levererar större avgasningssystem för vakuumavgasning av transformatorolja. Dessa system bygger på avgasning i flera steg. Flerstegsavgasning (minst 3-steg) är en specialprodukt som anpassas efter kundspecifikation och i mycket nära samarbete med slutkund. Avgasningssystem för vakuumavgasning av transformatorolja anpassas och byggs utifrån kundönskemål och önskat slutresultat på avgasad olja.

The system is delivered assembled and tested to the customer. CE-marked according to customer request.

  • Degassing capacity adapted to desired final result of the oil.
  • 1 single vacuum degassing vessel divided into several stages.
  • Complete associated vacuum system adapted for the vacuum vessel.
  • Sight glasses in each vacuum stage for easy ocular monitoring.
  • Welded pipes between vacuum vessel and vacuum system.
  • Water-cooled or air-cooled vacuum pumps.
  • Dry roots vacuum pumps.
  • Vacuum sensor in each stage for continuous monitoring / measurement of pressure.

Stationary systems

Transorfilter Sweden builds larger stationary degassing systems in several stages, which are adapted for eg. factory indoor environment.


Patented degassing principle with an even flow of oil over specially developed degassing plates in different sizes. This process results in controlled and highly efficient degassing. Available as different variants with degassing in one or more steps.

Single stage degassing -1

Degassing in one step with only vacuum pump. Can be supplemented with roots vacuum pump for process optimization.

Double stage degassing -2

Degassing in two stages with more effective degassing in the second stage. 1 pcs vacuum pump working towards the first and second stages in combination with 2 pcs root vacuum pumps which also work towards the first and second stages.

Multistage degassing -3 etc.

Degassing in at least three stages with high efficiency degassing in the final stages. For example, a pre-vacuum pump that works against all 3 stages in combination with e.g. 3 root vacuum pumps that work against all stages, to achieve different pressures in the different stages. Highest pressure in the first stage and lowest pressure in the final stage for the best possible results of degassed oil.

Examples of accessories

Equipment that may be included in the delivery upon request:

  • Oil pumps for inlet / outlet.
  • Level sensor for controlling oil level in vacuum vessel.
  • Level glass for ocular determination of oil level in vacuum vessel.
  • Filtration solutions for filtering the oil.
  • Heating system for the oil, before degassing can take place.
  • Adjustable machine feet on vacuum vessel with possibility to bolt in floor.